欢迎来到音乐学院: 艺术性•社区性•独特性

The mission of the 音乐学院 is to grow artistry, build 社区 and advance distinction. 学校实现了这三个艺术支柱, 社区, and distinction by fostering an environment in which individual achievement and artistic expression thrive fully and equitably for our diverse students. Our degree programs and curriculum offer preparation for careers in music, 音乐教育或继续研究生学习. Our artist-teachers are professional musicians and academics who offer instruction in all aspects of music: theory, 作文, 音乐才能, 历史, 文学, 表演, 音乐教育. The 音乐学院 has been fully and continuously accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music since 1966.   

The faculty and students in the 音乐学院 share a deep passion for and common desire to achieve excellence in music. The school offers a wide spectrum of degree programs and options with an overall emphasis in musical 表演. The curriculum provides comprehensive preparation for careers in music, 音乐教育, 或者继续深造, and is designed to provide a balanced education in the many facets of musical experience. 艺术ist-teachers offer instruction in all aspects of 表演; practicing composers and theorists teach courses in theory and 作文; active musicologists provide instruction in 历史 and 文学; and specialists in 音乐教育 teach the courses in that field. It is the goal of the department to develop each student’s musical and intellectual potential to the highest level of individual capability.  

Dr. 兰德尔·戈德堡在新窗口中打开

音乐教育学生与小学生 CSUF Music Program Partners with Elementary School to Teach Music Lessons在新窗口中打开

The 音乐学院’s highly regarded 音乐教育 and teacher training program provides thorough preparation for students who want to become music teachers in TK-12 schools.

特里和鲍勃·尼克姆   Aspiring Singer Steps Into Spotlight, Lands Roles With LA and San Francisco Operas 在新窗口中打开

“The preparation from the music department has been super helpful. 我以转校生的身份来到加州大学旧金山分校, 并立即, the 音乐才能 of the school drove me to be successful" said Thalia Moore, 2024届音乐毕业生

特里和鲍勃·尼克姆       音乐学院 Alumna Named New 艺术istic Director for The Choral 艺术s Society of Washington 在新窗口中打开

“我们的目标非常一致,和“合唱艺术已经准备好迎接新的视角。, and I believe I can deliver exactly what they need artistically” said Marie Bucoy-Calavan

特里和鲍勃·尼克姆       新的音乐学生获得了创造性的优势,感谢2美元.500万礼物 在新窗口中打开

当鲍勃, 有抱负的音乐家, 见过特里, 聪明的诗人, 在十大靠谱网赌平台的语义学课上, 这是一段美妙的二重唱的开始. 回首他们相遇的那一刻, the two alumni said what they remember most was the magic of music bringing them together.

达蒙·齐克和四重奏乐队               教师 艺术ist 达蒙·齐克和四重奏乐队 Nuevo Release New Album, Awarded $40,000 Grant 在新窗口中打开

“A combination of all the things I love to do in music: play classical chamber music and jazz, 十大靠谱网赌平台世界音乐传统, 即兴创作和作曲.达蒙·齐克说

在山洞里唱歌               在新窗口中打开 Music Alumnus Hits High Note as a California Teacher of the Year在新窗口中打开

“尽管这很有挑战性, helping students find their way — especially during their own difficult times — is rewarding beyond words. 不要忘记, 我们不教内容, 我们教学生, 正是通过这些内容,我们才能触及并激励他们."

在山洞里唱歌       在新窗口中打开 来访的合唱团测试皇家洞穴的声学效果在新窗口中打开

“It’s such a wonderful sound in the dark, deep underground of the cave system. I love bringing groups of musicians like these to see the Australian countryside and enjoy our beautiful and unique parks."

Renowned Alumni Reflect on What Made Their CSUF Education Special在新窗口中打开

“One thing that stands out to me is that from choral to operatic studies, the faculty are always teaching you the little things that add up to ‘how to be a professional’” -- Christopher Job

耶稣拉莫斯               奖学金,乐团创造音乐大使

When Hurricane María hit Puerto Rico as a Category 4 storm in 2017, Jesús拉莫斯当时正在申请研究生院. He and millions of others spent weeks with no power, and Ramos missed all application deadlines.  音乐教授刘荣慧登场...


"Somehow, with the help of mentors, family and friends I was able to stay in the U.S. 获得学位,并最终通过制作音乐获得报酬. In every step of the way I got to remind myself that this journey has exceeded my expectations."

valdepenas               Valdepeñas“大师班”是音乐校友的返乡之旅在新窗口中打开

“我整个初中和高中都在吹单簧管. … but I didn’t have a private lesson until I went to 十大靠谱网赌平台,这位音乐表演校友说.

马修杨               新生获得国际钢琴艺术节金奖在新窗口中打开

The freshman credits the mentorship of [Bill] Cunliffe and [Rob] Watson for the opportunity to attend the event, 其中包括大师班和独奏会, 同时也是各年龄段钢琴家的比赛和展示.

YOLA国家学生Guillermo Najera

“YOLA是我来这里的原因,伊曼纽尔·罗哈斯说, a freshman music major at 十大靠谱网赌平台 who has been working with this year’s festival. “I know that music is something I want now and it wouldn’t have been the same without YOLA.” 

埃米利奥·洛佩兹·菲利克斯                               Music Grad Shares Stage With Andrea Bocelli, The Eagles, John Williams在新窗口中打开

When 埃米利奥·洛佩兹·菲利克斯 visited the Hollywood Bowl venue for the first time, 他不是去看表演的. 他是来表演的.

音乐研究生Sierra Farquhar-Wulff
学生研究人员在全州竞赛中获得最高荣誉在新窗口中打开 在新窗口中打开

Eleven CSUF students competed in the 35th annual California State University Student Research Competition. 音乐研究生Sierra Farquhar-Wulff, 谁在学习合唱指挥, 获得第一名.

赛克斯欢欣鼓舞               校友喜气洋洋的赛克斯分享他的经验教训在新窗口中打开

“Initially, I had no dreams of becoming an opera singer,” he recalled. “但当我在十大靠谱网赌平台时,情况发生了变化. 我的老师把他们的生命倾注在我身上. I had everything I needed right on campus to prepare me for my career.”

The  School of Music acknowledges our presence on the traditional, 加布里利诺/通瓦民族的祖先和未被割让的领土.
We pay our respects to the Indigenous land caretakers past, present, and emerging. 欲了解更多信息,请访问加布里埃诺-通瓦部落    网站在新窗口中打开