Video credits: Photos by Ben Licera and Edwin Lockwood, 音乐 by Andy Monroe


我必须通过试镜才能参加舞蹈课程吗? 进入舞蹈课程的学生要参加试镜, 包括芭蕾舞课和现代舞课吗. 学生 will be placed in their appropriate level according to the audition. 希望参加试镜的舞者,请访问我们的 试听页面在新窗口中打开 了解更多信息.

晋升到下一个层次的过程是什么? 学生 will be assessed each year in both modern and ballet.

What degree does the undergraduate program offer and is it possible to minor in dance? 目前我们提供舞蹈学士学位. 学生 applying for the BA in dance must successfully complete an audition in modern dance and ballet and maintain a minimum grade in each technique dance class and performances. 目前,我们不开设舞蹈辅修课程.

舞蹈系有多少学生? 我们舞蹈专业平均有60-85名学生.

强调什么舞蹈技巧? 我们强调现代舞和芭蕾. 学生 will also be able to complement their training with jazz, 利用, 嘻哈, 调节, 瑜伽和脚尖课.

技术课的典型班级人数是多少? 的 typical class size is between 15 and 25 students depending on the course taught and the studio in which it is taught.

有什么表现机会? 的 department offers many opportunities for students to perform. We have two main-stage departmental concerts per year, Fall and Spring Dance Concerts. 这两场音乐会是由教师组成的, guest artists and students choreographies performed in 的 Little 剧院 on the campus of CSUF. 在春季学期, 12 x16跳舞 presents faculty and student works at Grand Central 艺术 Center (GCAC)  in Santa Ana. 每学期结束的时候, the department also presents student choreography showcases which culminate the work of their composition class. 另外, students involved into the Dance Repertory Performance Company will have opportunity to perform on and off campus for a variety of audiences.

新生可以参加舞蹈音乐会吗? 是的. All dance major students are encouraged to attend auditions for the dance concerts. Cast members are chosen according to their technical and artistic abilities to fulfill the movement requirements of the choreographer. 

Are there opportunities for students to present their own choreographies? 是的. 学生 are encouraged to audition their choreography to be part of the Fall and Spring Dance Concerts. 学生也可以试镜展示他们的作品 12 x16跳舞 在GCAC . Other opportunities for students to show their works includes the showcases of their composition classes which is performed into an informal setting in our performing studio. 

你们有表演团体吗? 是的. Our students enrolled in the Dance Repertory and Performance course gain performance experience at festivals and invitational concerts. 学生 have to complete successfully Ballet III and Modern III in order to audition to be part of this selected group of students. This selected group gains invaluable experience working with guest choreographers. 的 Dance Repertory Performance course works to broaden the students' understanding of the history, 音乐会舞蹈表演理论与实践. Participation in the performances furthers the dancer' skills by participating in both historical and contemporary choreographic works. Guest artists work closely with the students by coaching and directing them in the rehearsal process. 的 program will assist the students to build performance skills, 因此, deepening their understanding of a performer's attention and intention on stage. 学生们将从不同的艺术家那里学习剧目, which will bring them closer to finding their place in the dance world today. 的 dancers then perform the choreography both on and off campus to a variety of audiences. Such performances provide further preparation of the student for a professional performance career as a dance artist. 请 访问在新窗口中打开 我们的客座艺术家系列页面了解更多信息.

Does the department participate in the American College Dance Festival Association? 是的. We have been selected to perform on numerous Gala Concerts and we have been honored at the Kennedy Center for the performing 艺术s in Washington D.C.

是否有经济援助? 的 department seeks scholarship funding from a variety of sources. 每年都会在不同的类别中颁发几个奖项. 的 department also offers a number of graduate assistantships and teaching assistantships each year depending upon the expertise of the student and availability of scholarship funds. 请参见艺术学院 奖学金在新窗口中打开 .

财政援助办事处在新窗口中打开 is committed to providing eligible students with the necessary financial aid resources to ensure academic success. 办事处向6个国家提供财政援助,300 students and administers over $17 million annually through a number of student financial assistance programs.

How can I arrange to 访问 the dance department and observe class? We have an open house in the fall semester during which the community is invited to come 访问 our campus and find information about our dance program. If you wish to 访问 and observe dance classes at another time than open house, please 联系 阿尔文·兰格尔-阿尔瓦拉多,舞蹈项目总监. 


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