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学院 自然科学与数学

We are training the next generation of leaders in the sciences and 数学, preparing them to be collaborative critical thinkers who combine classroom knowledge with hands-on research experience to ask and answer complex questions.



NSM faculty members are annually awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in external funding from federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, 美国国立卫生研究院, and the Department of Energy via a highly competitive peer review process.


因为它的指导和推广的成功, the American Mathematical Society awarded CSUF’s Department of 数学 its 2022 Award for “数学 Programs that Make a Difference.”



NSM提供多种学者培训计划, including the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Training Program, 称为MHRT, and the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement, 称为U-RISE.


由受人尊敬的研究人员领导, CSUF offers a wide range of scholarships and department-based fellowships that support undergraduate research on such topics as climate change, 引力波, 数学教育和阿尔茨海默病.

CSUF’s diverse and dedicated students harness interdisciplinary resources and experiences in the field, laboratory and research centers to explore their passions and create new scientific knowledge in their fields.

Participating in cutting-edge research alongside faculty mentors, 南加州大学的学生喜欢从事地球科学家的职业, 野外生物学家, 药剂师, 化学家, 教师和实验室技术人员, 在Kaiser Permanente这样的公司工作, CVS, 吉利德科学公司, 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司和约翰逊公司 & 约翰逊.



Teams of undergraduate and graduate students pursue research with faculty mentors. Students present their findings at national and international conferences and publish their work in peer-reviewed scientific journals.



学生是否在教室, 实验室或现场, 他们拥有构建假设所需的工具, 设计实验, 收集和分析数据,解决难题.



Faculty experts provide leadership in the scholarship of teaching and learning, preparing future educators with K-12 teacher preparation programs and coursework. 



The renovated second floor of McCarthy Hall includes new classrooms and teaching labs, 学院研究实验室, 学生学习空间和计算机实验室. Labs and classrooms are stocked with technology and equipment that students use to explore relevant questions and gain hands-on experiences.



要了解更多关于我们的学术课程:   十大靠谱网赌平台

Joshua Smith and Geoffrey Lovelace studying gravitational wave


Scientific discovery and innovative mathematical solutions are the products of teamwork, 指导与合作. 在我们的学术中心, students and faculty work side-by-side to conduct research that goes all the way from understanding computational sciences to exploring the mysteries of the cosmos. 


Our faculty and students are paving the way for the future of the sciences and 数学, asking complex questions and conducting crucial research in such areas as data science, 疾病预防, 可持续能源和气候变化.

Your investment in the 学院 自然科学与数学 will support a new generation of scientists, mathematicians and future educators who are passionate about advancing scientific discovery, giving back to their communities and becoming leaders in their fields. 




